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After each daily reading students will complete a formative assessment. They will complete transcription after each daily reading. Transcription is when they write passages on their own paper after reading them in the book. This helps them memorize spelling and sentence structure. They’ll complete at least two paragraphs per assignment. After copying the passage, have them read it out loud. Written narrations begin, with prompts to write down the who, what, when, where, why, and how of each reading. This can be written in a list or in a chart the student makes. Complete sentences aren’t required at this level for written narrations, but correct spelling is encouraged. Finally, they will select 4 vocabulary words from each daily reading. Have them write down the vocabulary word, look up and write down the definition, and then use the word to write a sentence (either from the book or a sentence they make up).
At the end of the book students will complete a summative assessment. Summative assessments for level 4 are completed as written answers. Your child answers a particular question after each book in any way that is meaningful to them. There are no wrong answers with summative assessments. This is a time for your child to discuss what they took from the reading.
Book 31: The Story of the Greeks by H.A. Guerber
📕Recommended print edition: Living Book Press | Illustrated Edition
Written summative assessment: If you could visit ancient Greece, what event or person would you want to see or meet, and why?
Book 32: The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling
📗Recommended print edition: Available on Amazon | Ingpen Illustration Edition
Written summative assessment: Which animal character in the stories was your favorite, and what did you like about them?
Book 33: Unknown to History by Charlotte Yonge
📕Recommended print edition: Living Book Press | Illustrated Edition
Written summative assessment: If you could ask one of the characters a question about their journey, who would it be and what would you ask?
Book 34: Five Children and It by E. Nesbit
📕Recommended print edition: Available on Amazon | Puffin Classics
Written summative assessment: Which wish did you find the most interesting or amusing, and what lesson did the children learn from it?
Book 35: Otto of the Silver Hand by Howard Pyle
📕Recommended print edition: Living Book Press | Illustrated Edition
Written summative assessment: What qualities did you admire in Otto, and how did his bravery and kindness influence the people around him?
Book 36: The Story Book of Science by Jean-Henri Fabre
📕Recommended print edition: Living Book Press | Illustrated Edition
Written summative assessment: What scientific concepts or discoveries from the book fascinated you the most, and how did Fabre explain them in a way that made them interesting?
Book 37: Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
📕Recommended print edition: Living Book Press | Illustrated Edition
Written summative assessment: If you could search for treasure like Jim, what kind of treasure would you hope to find?
Book 38: A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys by Nathaniel Hawthorne
📕Recommended print edition: Living Book Press | Illustrated Edition
Written summative assessment: Which myth or story in the book resonated with you the most, and what moral or lesson did you take away from it?”
Book 39: Tales from Shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb
📕Recommended print edition: Living Book Press | Illustrated Edition
Written summative assessment: Which character did you relate to the most, and why? What qualities did they display that you admire?
Book 40: Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi
📕Recommended print edition: Living Book Press | Illustrated Edition
Written summative assessment: If you could give Pinocchio one piece of advice at the beginning of his story, what would it be and why?